Thursday 13 September 2012

Haydon News Front Cover

This is my front cover I made for my premilimary task. I decided to keep the name of my magazine simple and not complex so that the reader can tell straight away what the genre of my magazine is based on. The masthead is based at the top of the magazine like my contents page so that the reader can clearly tell what the magazine is called and about. I kept the masthead in a simple font so that the target audience have no difficuilties trying to work out what letters what, and that they have no trouble stating that the text is too small.

Just below the masthead I included the price and the issue number as this is a neccessaty and is never not included on any magazine supplied. This is must have information when producing any genre magazine as the audience always want to know the price of the product that they have an interest in. Once again I stuck to simple colours and large enough fonts so the amount of bad feedback is reduced.

All the text included on the front page have been made sure that they have been kept to the house style of the magazine (only using whites, blues and blacks.) Sticking to a house style is vital when making a successful magazine as the target audience will only purchase a product that sticks to a sophisticated and professional look, they will not spend there money on a product that looks tacky and too complicated.

On the front cover of 'Haydon News' I decided to include a main bleed (main image) that took up the majority of the page. The image illustrates a student on school ground.

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